BOTOX – Beaverton

The Beautiful, Balanced Smile You’ve Always Wanted

a closeup of a BOTOX patient

Have you noticed lately that you’re beginning to develop obvious wrinkles around your mouth, nose, forehead, or eyes? Or perhaps you’ve been dealing with pesky jaw pain that doesn’t seem to give you a break? Believe it or not, these issues can be resolved with BOTOX! To learn more about BOTOX or to schedule an appointment to see how this incredible treatment can assist you, contact our office today!


Why Choose Wolfe Dental Cedar Mill for BOTOX?

  • Skilled Dentist with Several Years of Experience
  • Personalized Treatment Plans for All Patients
  • Comfortable Office with Patient-Friendly Amenities

What Is BOTOX?

a man receiving BOTOX treatment

BOTOX is derived from a controlled formula of botulinum toxin, which is a solution that’s been utilized medically for many decades, often for addressing muscle pain and spasms. When injected into the painful and spasming muscles, it can help to minimize the unconscious movements that typically result in discomfort. But its practical uses extend far beyond this. When used for esthetic purposes, BOTOX can help to prevent muscle movements that are responsible for the development of facial wrinkles and fine lines! It can also assist with pain related to the temporomandibular joints, which connect the jaw to the skull. With BOTOX, a better question is – what can’t this treatment do?

Who Is a Good Candidate for BOTOX?

a person receiving BOTOX treatment

When you meet with our team during your appointment, we’ll talk with you about your aesthetic concerns and goals to determine if you’re a good candidate for BOTOX treatment. Generally speaking, BOTOX can be used to address all kinds of issues including:

  • Crow’s feet (wrinkles around the eyes)
  • Lines between the eyebrows
  • Wrinkles across the forehead
  • Smoker’s lines around the lips
  • Lines around the corners of the mouth (laugh lines)
  • Jaw pain related to TMD

Just keep in mind that not everyone is a good candidate immediately; expecting mothers and patients with deep scars might not benefit from BOTOX. In any case, contact us to learn more!

The Benefits of BOTOX

a BOTOX patient smiling

There are so many incredible benefits that BOTOX can offer patients, including:

  • Incredibly Fast Process – BOTOX treatment can be completed in as little as 20 or so minutes, and you’ll begin noticing results within a couple of days.
  • Cost-Effective Care – BOTOX doesn’t come with any extreme upfront costs like other services, making it an affordable and accessible option for those looking for an aesthetic boost.
  • Impressive Versatility – This treatment is capable of addressing an umbrella of issues including laugh lines, crow's feet, muscle spasms, jaw pain, and more.
  • Non-Surgical Treatment – BOTOX doesn’t involve any scalpels or intense surgical procedures, nor will you need to endure a lengthy recovery period.
  • Subtle & Lasting Results – Believe it or not, BOTOX results aren’t obvious at all! Better yet, these subtle results can last for up to six months before touchups are needed.